Wolverton Investment Group
Wolverton Investment Group is a special purpose vehicle who acquires top traders from around the world and invests in various derivatives leveraging their talent for profit.
Our traders have all passed a rigorous selection process, performed by Lepus Proprietary Trading, with only the best trading on our account. We all know the saying: “You get what you pay for” and because we pay well for great traders, we get amazing traders. This allows investors to now access trader talent otherwise unavailable to the general public.
All of our traders and directors own units in the company and therefore they have a vested interest in its performance.
Access high returns - generally investments return low to medium level results. This is your gateway to otherwise inaccessible earnings.
​Eligible Investors
This is not publicly offered. (Individuals, companies, wholesale only)
​Investment Type
Unit Trust
Invest in our pool of talented "top 1%" traders. The directors of the board opt to invest in derivatives for speculation.
Contracts for Difference on:​
Foreign Exchange - (Majors & 20 crosses)
Commodities - (WTI, BRENT, XAG, XAU)
Indices - (DAX30, FTSE100, SP500, DJ30, NASDAQ & others)